Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy new year


Happy New Year!

Its new years eve! So much pressure to have a great time and to kiss someone, special or not at the strike of 12! We are spending it with my Mr's parents and cousin with some family friends, we are going to have a nice dinner in the city of Manchester and then go to the theatre. I am hoping to get something healthy and fresh, I know it will be hard especially when I know that there is a chance for sticky toffee pudding for dessert! But I shall do my best! :)

Dont stress about having the best night of the year! Tomorrow is the start of a new year! Go 2012!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank Pod its Friday!

Something that always gives me a boost is listening to a podcast, if I am on the tub on my way to work and I don't feel like trying to read my book with one hand or hit someone in the face as I am trying to turn a page on the metro podcasts are a great alternative and why not learn something in the meantime.I don't run in to many in my circles who have taken to podcasts like I have but I hope I am not dragging on about this :). But one of my favourite podcasts is the Jillian Michael's Podcast, she covers all different topics relating to health and fitness to what we eat and I love the episodes when she rants about going organic and they policies in the government. She can really light a fire under me! Some weeks I just decide to listen to the podcast and have a walk at the same time, usually when I get back from my walk I am so inspired by the topic that I will want to hit the gym a second time!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Scrapping it and starting over

During this year I have been fighting to get rid of the last 10-20 pounds, getting those lean and strong muscles. I am on a roll, being very proud, boyfriend egging me on. Feeling great, then something interrupts my plan, a big meal out with work, someones birthday, cake all around and I feel as if I have fallen completely off the wagon, usually i just saw, screw it and just stuff my face and tell myself I deserve a treat. (which you do once in a while, I just need to choose my rewards more carefully) But this year I am saying NO to complete failure, if it where to happen that I fall off with a big caloric meal, start the next day already with a workout, it will make you feel 1000 times better and we don't always have the feeling that we are starting from scratch!

to gym or not to gym

I have always wished I didn't have to pay 55 pounds a month for a gym membership, I could train outside or do some home videos in my livingroom. I wish that could be me but it isn't, I need the pressure of knowing that every month they steal this money from me and all I have to do is make it worth my while. I try and put it into perspective, instead of having my morning Starbucks skinny latte at 2.30 pounds a piece I have 1 more month at the gym. And instead of eating lunch out at work for 11 days out of the month, there is another month at the gym.

I love to go and do a spin class, I hope that in the future I can be a spin instructor myself in my spare time. So if I can make time for 2 classes a week, and maybe go for a swim 1 time a week, it will have cost me about 5.50 per time I went. For me its a price that I need to pay, some weeks I go more often then others.

I suggest going in for a free day trial, have some at the gym give you your options, what choices would work the best for you, what classes do they offer and you can always have someone show you the ropes usually free of charge!

p.s getting to know other people who have the same interests is a great way to meet new and interesting people and might get you more motivated to show up :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fads and Quick Fixes

I wish there was a quick fix to getting where you want to be, people in my surrounding have tried it all, from protein shakes to excluding certain foods, no carbs, even surgery, I used to work in the fitness industry and the people who where new to the fitness life where looking for the big results. I understand the benefits of seeing a big result in the beginning to keep motivated but this will hardly keep you motivated for years. I want to change my lifestyle, I want to picture myself in years a head feeling great and looking great. All the fads come and go, you take what you can from it but it tends to lead to yo yo health, and I say health because you are doing more damage to your body then you might know with gaining and looking weight dramatically.

People always told me, looking the way you want will take lots of sacrifices. So you wont get to eat that burger, the fries, the suger, the soda. But the more I learn about these things I am supposedly sacrificing it makes my choice easier and easier. No to speak openly, there is no quick fix and yes we will have to make better choices, but these choices are going to give you what you want out of life. I believe if you can see something like this through there is no limit to what you can do and I believe we will see changes in other aspects of out lives. So we are starting a new lifestyle, one that may be very tough at times and we may fail some times but we will not give up! :D

The Holidays

I have been eating 24/7! I have had Swedish Christmas foods in early December, followed by office christmas parties and all the leftovers. Followed by family dinners and celebration meals, I am battling horrible heart burn during the day and uneasy sleep in the night. The lack of movement and sitting in the living-room with the boyfriends family and watching tv has not helped. I love the holidays, christmas is my favourite holiday but I am looking forward to getting back to London and starting over with 2012.

 I have always been interested in health and fitness, I have worked in the health industry for years and I am now in Sports broadcasting. I come from a family of professional athletes and trainers but I have never kept up my routine for longer than a couple of months so with this blogg I thee wed, to keep myself motivated and hopefully share a lot of the information and tips with the readers.

My new years resolution is to get a bikini ready body for the summer. (iiiiik, now that it is out there I am getting nervous, but I know this is achievable)

Info about me, I am not fat but I could stand to loose about as a maximum 10 kilos, I want to get toned and get some long and lean muscles! If anyone wants to make this commitment for 2012, please let me know, it will make me even more motivated to keep the blogg going!