Monday, January 23, 2012

5 tips to staying healthy at the office

This has become one of my best tools when it comes to staying healthy Monday to Friday. It is easy to be distracted by the coffee and tea breaks with biscuits and snacking at your desk

1. Bring a big bottle of Water to your desk and make sure you fill it up a couple of times a day. This will keep you hydrated and might limit some of the initial hunger of the day. You will be surprised how much more water you will drink when you have a full bottle of water staring you in the face!

2. Bring a Lunch, although you can make healthy choices when you go out for lunch but you will never know what is going into your food and all the extra hidden calories that comes in the form of sauces and dressings. I always try to make enough dinner the night before to have for lunch the next day or do a big cook on a sunday that will last me the whole week (might be a bit repetitious but if you keep freezing sunday food you can vary after a couple of weeks)

3. Talk about your quest for health in the work place, being excited about something gets other people on board (maybe not for long but it might cause some office changes) Like for us there are 3 girls in the office that decided that we where going to be healthy so we asked that instead of buying cookies and chocolate and now we order a fruit box)

4. Get up and move, even if you are bringing your meals to work, eat them somewhere ells, just getting off your chair and moving around will help your circulation and give you a chance to stretch out your neck and shoulders.

5. Healthy Snacks, if your are going to gym after work you want to eat something with some substance about 1 hour before you hit the gym, something with a lot of protein. But you want to eat something every 3 hours so make sure you have some fresh fruits, nuts maybe a power bar, I love some olives and some cheese cubes. And leave the sugary crap (maybe give yourself 1 square of chocolate as a treat, thats what I do if I am feeling the sugar craving!)

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